Spalding County is governed by an elected five-member 委员会, each Commissioner representing a different geographic district of Spalding County. The 委员会 are charged with establishment of Ordinances and Policies relating to operation of the County government. In addition the 委员会 will act on citizen requests such as zoning matters. The Spalding County Chairman and Vice Chairman positions are elected by the 委员会 and are voted on annually. The first official act of the 委员会 at the first public meeting of each year is to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman.
This link contains a map of Spalding County broken into Districts. The link opens a pdf file that is scalable so that you can locate the streets within the district. Once you determine your district, you can click on the links below to learn more about your Commissioner.
区1 | ||
区2 | ||
区3 | ||
第四地区-副主委 | ||
第5区-主席 | ||
Commission Meetings and FAQ’s
One way to learn what is happening in Spalding County is by attending a meeting of the 委员会. All of the business conducted by the county is discussed and decided upon in these meetings, 包括, but not limited to road issues, 奖助金, budgetary matters and local programs. The Spalding County 委员会 encourages all of its citizens to attend the Commission Meetings and learn more about your county government and how it works.
When does the 委员会 meet and are these meetings open to the public?
The Spalding County 委员会 meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Room 108 of the Spalding County Courthouse Annex. A notice containing the date and time for each meeting is posted and maintained in a conspicuous place available to the general public at the regular meeting place of the board, in addition all meeting notices are distributed to the local media for publication. All of the meetings are open to the public, except for those occasions involving matters that are specifically exempt under the Georgia Open Meetings Law.
Can a citizen speak at a 委员会 Meeting if they are not on the Agenda?
The Spalding County 委员会 welcome public comment. Any individual wishing to make a comment will need to sign up on the sign in sheet available at the meeting. Individuals who have signed in will be allowed to speak during the Public Comments portion of the Agenda. Please note that in order to manage available time, each comment will be limited to three (3) minute time period.